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Welcome to the professional websites for Composer & Classical Guitarist, Richard Jordan Smoot.

The links on this page will take you to his studio website for Sound Endeavors, LLC in the Upper Arlington suburb of Columbus, Ohio. Dr. Smoot is a world renown composer and one of the finest classical guitar teachers and performers in the greater Columbus, Ohio area with over thirty years of experience teaching all levels of students and many years as an Associate Professor of Music. He has served as the teacher and mentor for many composers, guitarists and musicians in Columbus, Ohio as well as throughout the United States. Also, you can learn more about the creative and production services offered by Richard Smoot as well as music lessons for Columbus, Ohio by following this link for  Sound Endeavors, LLC or by calling 614/397-9164.
Thanks for visiting!


NEW RELEASE: Seize The Day: Quartets by Richard Jordan Smoot featuring two-time Grammy Award winning clarinetist, Richard Stoltzman and two-time Grammy nominated Carpe Diem String Quartet.

Available at CD Baby: